The forms below are required upon enrolment. In addition, parent authorisation forms to administer medications are to be completed when needed and are also provided below.
Should you need assistance, please contact our Administration Team.
Perth Montessori
To be completed for all new and current students annually.
To be completed by each family to cover all children attending Perth Montessori.
To be completed for new students from Pre-Kindy to Year 6.
You may complete a new one at any time if your authorised contacts change.
To be completed by all new parents and student upon enrolment from Year 1 to 6.
Students use Google for Education apps and services from Upper Primary onwards. Parents are asked to review the collection notice from Google and provide consent for their child.
To be completed by parents and students new to the school in Cycles 4 and 5.
Required should staff need to administer medication to your child at school temporarily. Must be provided to the office along with the medication.
Required should staff be required to administer medication to your child at school regularly.